• United Nations General Assembly 1: Disarmament and International Security (UNGA1)

    • Responding to the coup d’etats in the Sahel Region

      President Chair: Jialin (Kerry) Wei

      Co-Chairs: Saeed Rahman, Mousa AlDarabie

  • United Nations General Assembly 2: Economic and Financial Affairs Council (UNGA2)

    • Establishing widespread use of nuclear energy

      President Chair: Fares Tamimi

      Co-Chair: Layan AlBokhari

  • United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC)

    • Debating euthanasia as a human right

      President Chair: Sara Aldossary

      Co-Chair: Farah Alrubaish

  • Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

    • Redefining foreign immigration policies to combat human capital flight

      President Chair: Husnaa Basheer

      Co-Chair: Layan Alawami

  • United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW)

    • Addressing punitive legal responses for femicide

      President Chair: Whard Alawamy

      Co-Chair: Adam Elmorsy

  • United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (UNCCPCJ)

    • Developing initiatives aimed at implementing rehabilitative programs in security prisons

      President Chair: Noor Alghareeb

      Co-Chair: Mada Salamah

  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

    • Confronting Al Qaeda terrorist forces in Somalia

      President Chair: Yara Saab

      Co-Chair: Ghalia AlShehayeb

  • Historical Security Council (HSC)

    • The Sykes-Picot Agreement in 1916

      President Chair: Muhammad Taha Malik

      Co-Chair: Mohammad Aziz

  • World Health Organization (Who)

    • Advancement of early detection of infectious diseases

      President Chair: Reema Alotaibi

      Co-Chair: Khadeeja Sabban

  • Arab League (AL)

    • Discussing U.S. military presence in the Middle East

      President Chair: Duaa Mushahid

      Co-Chair: Sana Mohammed

  • International Criminal Court (ICC)

    • Trying George W. Bush and Tony Blair for their alleged war crimes in the Middle East

      President Chair: Yamen Alhilawi

      Co-Chair: Sarah Kharbat

  • Ottoman Imperial Council [Historical] (OIC)

    • The aftermath of the death of Sultan Suleiman the Great

      President Chair: Maryam Farooqi

      Co-Chair: Syed-Zarmaan Haider

  • Special Committee (SPC)

    • Capital punishment in Gotham City

      President Chair: Ahmad Mushtaq

      Co-Chair: Jana Alkudmani

  • Crisis

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      President Chair: Fahad Khan

      Co-Chair: Zaid Dweib

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